What is Havilah House?
Havilah House is a women’s only transitional living program in Chester County, Pennsylvania. This program is built around a recovery lifestyle. It’s more than just a place to sleep at night. It’s where we work together to build the foundation for a strong and long-lasting sober life. We live as a family of recovering people, building relationships and growing together. We currently operate one house in West Chester, PA.
Cost: $200/week
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Program Details
- We believe addiction is a disease of mind, body and spirit. We strive to offer residents services designed to enable them to succeed in their recovery.
- A “house mother” resides at the house and oversees the various programs and progress of the residents.
- At Havilah House we offer family group sessions, guided meditation, and community involvement programs.
- High speed internet and computer access is made available to residents to help them reintegrate into the workforce.
- 30-Day transition phase
- Attend five 12-step meetings per week
- Adhere to curfew
- Random drug screens
- Obtain sponsor and homegroup
- Attend weekly house meetings
- Complete PHP/IOP/GOP/Counseling (as recommended by treatment center)
House Rules
- Educational opportunities
- Contemplative practices
- Serenity garden
- Cable TV
- High speed internet
- Computer access
- Community meals
- Family support group
- Full kitchen
- Peaceful living spaces